자격증관련 Q&A

레벨MT 내용중에~

조회 : 1,024

등록일2016-03-16 13:40:29
독학으로 할려니 모르는게 한두개가 아니네요~

MT STUDY GUIDE 에 있는 내용인데 답이 틀린것 같아 올려봅니다.

질문 : A large 152mm(6 in.) diameter shaft of heat-treated, high alloy steel must be demagnetized.

The best results are produced by:

a. a reverse direct current step-down demagnetizer with a cable wrapped around the shaft for its full length.

b. placing the shaft north and south in an alternating current coil and tapping it repeatedly with a sledge hammer.

c. using an alternating current step-down demagnetizer with a cable wrapped around the shaft for its full length.

답안지는 A 라고되어있습니다.

그리고 하나만 더요~

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