해외자격 자료실


조회 : 2,206

등록일2016-03-15 17:59:30

96 LEVEL III VT시험 문제

1. 금속표면을 etching and polishing에 의한 검사를 하는 것을 무엇이라 하나?

ⓐ microscophy

ⓑ metallograph

2. Cleavag fracture를 가져오는 것은 어느부분인가?

3. On failed metal parts stration and beach mark

ⓐ stress continuous cracks

ⓑ 수소

ⓒ mechanical wear

ⓓ fatigue

4. Video tape quality

5. TV 해상도 높이려면?

- 주사선

6. Transluscent VT의 사용용도는?

ⓐ 빛을흡수

ⓑ Transmit diffuse limit

7. 최소 viewing angle은?

-30도 이상

8. eye의 color 식별은?


9. 눈의 conia & retiner는 camera의 무엇인가?

- lense & photocathode

10. Illuminance의 단위는?


11. Fillet welding의 welding size?

12. Borescope contacted ring의 역할은?

13. Foreoblique borescope는 어디를 보기위한 것인가?


14. 광학검출시스템에서 bandpass filter의 목적은?

- 중심파장부분의 파장만 투과시킴

15. Vision acuity

16. Bend test of welder 의 reject사항은?

17. Actual throat fillet weld?

18. Borescope확대시 lense는 무엇에 따라 의존하나?

19. Light가 diffusion방지하려면?

- cladding

20. Color sensation을 하는 곳은?

-coner rod

21. charge-coupled devices convert light into:

ⓐ light of a shorter wave length

ⓑ photons

ⓒ electrons

ⓓ pixels

22. when compared with ilm having a speed of 200 ASA, high speed film(3000ASA),requires less light on the subject but:

- can produce grain in the final print. this effect is increased with increasing enlargement.

23.for maximum senstivity when looking for surface anomalies, how should the eye be used?

24. a device that is used to compare a surface against a stanard surface finish is a;

ⓐ contour gage

ⓑ surface comparator

ⓒ coddington magnifier

ⓓ rhms gage

25. the color of an object is defined as the color of light that is ;

26. pan and filt mechanisms on visual inspection platforms increase coverage by;

ⓐ allowing a greator depth of field

ⓑ improing up and down, left and right vision

ⓒ providing a parallax perspective

ⓓ functioning as a clamp and pull device

27. which of the following is true concerning the marking of weld repairs?

28. which of the following techniques can be used to improve contrast resolution of celluse a cetate replicas?

ⓐ photo sensitization

ⓑ shadowing

ⓒ electrostatic precipitating

ⓓ vapor deposition

ⓔ b and d

29. which of the following grits would produce the finest surface during polishing ?

ⓐ 20 grits

ⓑ 50 grits

ⓒ 100 grits

ⓓ 400 grits

30. the specified size of an equal leg fillet weld ime 0.7 is the :

ⓐ theoretical throat

31. Glare-reduce ?


32. blisters rolled plate are best

33. for an equal area which light source radiates more total power at any wavelength than any other source operating at the same temperature?

ⓐ tungstn radiator

ⓑ gray body

ⓒ black body

ⓓ white light

34. a "bird cage" caused by sudden release of tention and resultant rebound refers to ;

ⓐ billet retraction

ⓑ a wire rope defect

ⓒ stress corrosion

ⓓ low carbon steel

35. which of the following is not a major consideration in choosing a magnifier?

36. you are visually examining a swing check valve, which of the following conditions should you look for;

- hinge pin, hinges,disk for evidence of wear

37. a component has failed due to gradual change of shape over a long period of service, the component was under constant stress and elevated temperature. the reason for this failure is most likely;

38. Illumination 계산

39. which of the following would be used to copy the fotography of a surface by making its impression ?

- shadowing or vapor deposition

40. which of the following wavelength of electromagnetic energy are perceived by the human eye ?

ⓐ 380 ~ 779nm

41. the distance a magnifier can be moved toward

42. How does replication use acetate type to produce an accurate negative image of surface microstructure?

43. replica , 아스테테이프 쓰는 경우?


44. Hydrofluoric acid, fluorosilic acid, hydrogen per oxid and bromine are potentially hazardous materials used for:

45. The ability of the eye

46. Vision adapted to day light and mediated mainly by the cones of the ratina of the eye is :

47. Hyperthermia is caused by exposure of the eye to:

48. The measurement of light and its properties is called:

49. Lux is the limit of measurement for:

50. Which of the following is a unit of measurement for luminous flux?

51. The mechanical dial indicator scale usually reads in increments of :

52. Vidicons and charge-coupled device are two primary types of:

-image sensor

53. Wide field borescope have a rotating objective prism to provide fields up to:


54. Thread 불규칙

- pitch gage

55. Stud butt , roller billet


56. Imcomplete penetration

57. TV-screen reflection

58. Fluoresent screen

59. Overlap

- 90°이하

60. Rod & cone 역할

- seusation of color

61. General material loss in pumps could be caused

ⓐ Impeller vibration

ⓑ Vapor implosion on the trailling edge of the impeller

ⓒ Surfaces in contact with relative motion

ⓓ Chemical attack on pump internals any of these

62. An aid in detecting thread form problems such as shaved and other threads that exhibit on excessive narrowness of thread width is called

ⓐ Micrometer

ⓑ Profile gauge

ⓒ Thread pitch gauge

ⓓ Caliper

ⓔ pit gauge

63. Which of the following characteristics of a rigid borescope is affected by the focusing control

ⓐ Magnification

ⓑ Depth of field

ⓒ Field of view

ⓓ Viewing angle

64. The magnification of a borescope is a function of which of the following variables

ⓐ Size of scope and size of the object

ⓑ Size of the scope and working distance

ⓒ Field of view the scope and working distance

ⓓ Size of the object


66. Equipment that uses synchronized pulses of high intensity might to permit stop-motion viewing of moving objects is called

ⓐ Luminoscope

ⓑ Phase contrast

ⓒ Bore scope

ⓓ Telescope

ⓔ Stereoboscope

67. A device that directly converts radiant energy into electrical energy is known as a

ⓐ Radineter

ⓑ Photo-voltaic

ⓒ Stroboscope

ⓓ Electrophore

ⓔ photo-diode

68. The limit of human vision is dependant on

ⓐ The intensity threshold

ⓑ Contrast and visual angle

ⓒ The time threshold

ⓓ All of the above

69. How many replications are required if a deplicate of a surface is needed

ⓐ 1

ⓑ 2

ⓒ 3

ⓓ 4

70. Brozement - fit up

71. Magnifying power of pocket-type hand-held magnifiers is generally in the range of

ⓐ 2x to 12x

ⓑ 10x to 100x

ⓒ 2x to 250x

ⓓ 0.75mm to 7.5mm

72. B

73. 결정인자 - parameter

74. Fiber bundle

- coherent, incoherent

75. Operture size

- greatest depth of field

76. Colorimeter 의 기능?

77. Fretting wear

78. undesirable metal damage is characterisics something other than Wear?

79. x7 magnifier의 제원?

80. Chemical spot test?

81. RMS

- foot

82. to convert food Candles to lux?


83. White light is so-called because -?

84. Creep 결함 VT 주안점

85. ASA - fine detailed

- 20 - 1000

86. Electron microscope


88. Of the following, which is a human factor having significant effect over what a visual inspector see

ⓐ A visual inspector should have 20/20 vision, either corrected or uncorrected

ⓑ A pre-disposed intension of the inspector to look for certain aspects can psychologically block the inspectors ability to see other aspects

ⓒ Visual inspectors tend to be more aware in the morning, before the effects of visual fatigue set in

ⓓ Certain mild over the counter drags cause dilathion of the pupil of the eye and enhance the inspector's ability to see better in conditions of low light

